BBHHS Technology Education
Rachel Jones
Jenn McMillin
Joanie MacRaild
Corinne Berrett
Craig Kowatch
Ryan Goubeaux
Scott McCreery
Vice President
To promote and enhance the robotics program at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School and to provide support for students who participate in the program.
Upcoming Dates
Booster Meeting January 15th at 5:30
High School Teams
*Tournament dates at this point, expect changes. Not all teams will compete at each tournament. Teams will be assigned to tournaments by Coaching staff based on preparedness.
**Click tournament name for link to RobotEvents with information and agenda. (Added as available.)
October 26 - North Union AND Wooster
November 2 - Akron Firestone
November 9 - Home - Brecksville I
November 16 - West Holmes
November 22-23 - Speedway
December 7 - Triway AND Terra State​
December 14 - River Bots AND Brass Boot
January 10 - Elyria
January 11 - Mahoning Valley​
January 24-25 - Kalahari
February 1-2 - Launch
February 7-8 - Bots @ Bristol
February 8 - Shenandoah
February 15 - Home - Brecksville II
March 15-16 - State Tournament - Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson
May 6-8 - Worlds - Dallas, TX
Middle School Teams
November 8th - Brecksville I
December 6th - Triway
January 10 - Elyria
January 22-23 - Kalahari
February 14th - Brecksville II
March 13-14 - State Tournament - Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson
May 9-11 - Worlds - Dallas, TX